The Owner
The Owner

Mauricio​ Vivanco
Mauricio​ Vivanco
Owner, Strategic Concrete Solutions Ltd.
Mau​ricio Vivanco, owner, established our company in 2005. An innovative and enterprising person, he entered the construction industry upon seeing a great business opportunity and potential for growth in the commercial Hi-rise construction industry. Since then it has had the privilege and successfully completed many projects with many of the top Leading construction companies in the Lower mainland The company has established a good reputation for its timeliness and completion of a variety of assignments, demonstrating an excellent record of accuracy by matching assignments with specific requirements. Over the years a critical characteristic has been its determination to Innovate and purchase heavy equipment such as demolition robots, cement pump MP-25, leading edge scaffolding, cement sprayers, robotic concrete scarifies and grinders. As a leader in the proper techniques of presenting its work with efficiency and quality, strategic concrete solutions brings to its clients the experience and capability of delivering mission-critical work on time and on budget for commercial and industrial construction. It specializes in continually providing best value standards in concrete restorations, repairs, floor leveling and selective demolition.